Mar 24
'Elite' Actor Omar Ayuso Ignites Aries Season: A Fiery Celebration of the Zodiac's Sexiest Star
Andrea Marks Joseph READ TIME: 4 MIN.
It's Aries season, and that means it's time for us to celebrate a hot, gay Aries we love! This month, we've decided to celebrate "Elite" actor, Omar Ayuso, who is out and proud, passionately pursuing his craft while championing a societal shift towards inclusivity.
Cosmopolitan magazine describes Aries brilliantly, writing: "They are physical, funny, warm, sexy and dynamic, and when they enter a room all eyes turn to them because of the force of their personality and humor. They tend to have dramatic brows and an intense gaze, fixing their object of attention with all their charisma and warmth."
The "Elite" star and famous Aries is an art-lover, commissioning paintings of himself and sharing art fans have created for him. He's a compassionate soul, a voracious reader, and an out actor who is proud to take on queer roles. We love that he's committed to authenticity and that he's edgy and artsy. Here's more about why we love hot Aries Omar Ayuso.
Aries is naturally warm and passionate. The fire sign is a delight to have around, as well as a welcoming, generous friend. This is helpful when you're building new families on every set, and Ayuso has certainly been beloved and enjoyed on each set he's worked on, charming his cast and crew members with his Aries heart.
The energy of an Aries is unmatched. They'll dance and sing and do stunt choreography and then ask what's next. It's what makes a great, hardworking actor, and it's why we can't wait to see Ayuso and his gorgeous tattoos on our screens for many, many years to come.
We'll always remember the moment we first saw this photo of Omar Ayuso. What a gift! And now we present it to you as a reminder and as an act of generosity. In true Aries style, this is something beautiful that will bring you joy (among other feelings), so we share it with you with an honest, open heart.
An Aries can be competitive, whether in their work or personal life. They fight to do the most and be the best – some of it to compensate for insecurity, and some of it because they value great art and great lives, and want to be sure they're making one for themselves and those around them. We'd say Omar Ayuso is doing that. With a life filled with interesting art and powerful indie films, along with a stellar Netflix career and an eternal place in gay pop culture history, he's made his mark.
One of the most admirable Aries traits is honesty. They're an open book, willing to discuss any topic and answer your questions truthfully (if creatively, in the case of a celebrity), and they're not the type to be hiding ill intentions behind their actions. Aries signs like Omar Ayuso come with good intentions and hopeful spirits. They wear their heart on their sleeve – or, in Ayuso's case, on his hand.
We love that the out Spanish actor is a fan of undressing for photoshoots, and is always willing to be photographed creatively. A moment of silence for all the commenters on this post just realizing he's gay, for some reason right as they look at this glorious photograph of Ayuso's body hair and dripping wet skin. Think back for a moment on that Cosmopolitan Magazine quote above, which described how those under the Aries zodiac "tend to have dramatic brows and an intense gaze, fixing their object of attention with all their charisma and warmth." That could not be more true here.
Cosmo says "Aries people are bold, energetic, full of vitality, charismatic, fun, lively, passionate, and driven by their hearts and desires. They have to feel ~all in~ on something to succeed in it, but, when they are, they are unstoppable." It makes sense then why Omar Ayuso is such an excellent, emotional actor who was one half of the most memorable ship "Elite," Omander.
He knew what he was doing here, and we love him for it. The world was not the same after he dropped this towel mirror selfie.
A notable Aries characteristic is that they're a genuine joy to be around. They genuinely care about other people. They find joy in making others smile. We love seeing Omar Ayuso's smile, as it truly can light up the world – even through the screen. His joy is divine and contagious.
When scrolling Ayuso's Instagram, you'll find art and highlighted books he's been reading, and you'll find a casual artsy thirst trap, which is always a treat. There's nothing like a beautiful tattoo, bare skin, and body hair showcase on the timeline. We thank Omar Ayuso for his service.
The courage of an Aries can sometimes be read as reckless because they give their whole hearts to the work (and play) they're involved in. Thinking first and acting later may be a potentially dangerous thing to do, but it can bring out some fantastic acting work – and that's what we see in Ayuso's performances. Could we see him in a thrilling, gay action film soon? We'd be so into it.