Out Influencer Joey Zauzig has the Videos to Motivate & Inspire You this Year

Andrea Marks Joseph READ TIME: 6 MIN.

It's the pause and direct eye-contact into the camera after he says "bigger" for us! Joey is absolutely right with this one. There is someone bigger and better out there for you. "Stop letting these ugly a** boys ruin your life. Drop 'em!"

Zauzig is undoubtedly king of fun, supportive friendship – but he's also dropping unforgettable gems of wisdom! "Baby, if you were thirsty, you wouldn't drink poison" as a reason not to reconnect with toxic people just because you're lonely??? That's gold, mama! That needs to go up on the wall like a 'live, love, laugh' sign that will save you years of heartbreak and wasted energy.

We all need this reminder at some stage of our lives, whether in a romantic situation, a friendship, or a job that's killing your soul: "There's somebody out there that's gonna treat you the way you deserve to be treated, I promise you that. Please give yourself a chance." Isn't that all we ever want for ourselves and our friends? Reach out and take every opportunity that can lead you towards a life that feels truly healthy and happy. No one should be struggling the way you were with your ex! And Joey's right, they aren't gonna change. They will continue treating you like this. Set your past self free to follow a path that leads to something wonderful. Give her a chance!

by Andrea Marks Joseph

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