'Smash It In Jesus' Name!' Rants ex-Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann about Biden's Win


'Smash It In Jesus' Name!' Rants ex-Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann about Biden's Win

"Smash it in Jesus' name!" rants an animated Michele Bachmann in a post-election tweet where pleas for divine intervention in the election, reports The Hill.

The Twitter outburst by the ex-Minn. GOP Congresswoman and failed presidential candidate went viral after she posted it on Monday.

"I ask oh God, that you would take your iron rod, and I ask that you would smash the clay jar of deceit in America," she shouted in a video recorded on her cell phone camera.

"Smash the clay jar of delusion in the United States of America. Smash the delusion, Father, of Joe Biden as our president. He is not," Bachmann continued.

Biden wasn't the only politician of Bachmann's rage.

"Would you take your iron rod and smash the strong delusion that [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) does have her House of Representatives? We don't know that," she added.

"Smash it in Jesus name. Smash, Lord, the takeover of the US Senate by [Minority Leader] Chuck Schumer (D-NY)," Bachmann continued. "Smash it with your iron rod."

Right Wing Watch shared the video that shows Bachmann making hammer-like blows as she rants:

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