Anonymous Mainer offers to double donations for marriage equality campaign
An anonymous Maine resident has offered to match donations made to 'No on 1: Protect Maine Equality' before Friday, August 21.
Gay Iraqis face threat of death squads
The Human Rights Watch released a 67-page report August 17 detailing the violence and abuse suffered by gay Iraqis at the hands of death squads targeting "effeminate men."
'America's Best Dance Crew' sees queer troupe
Vogue Evolution, a New York City-based dance crew made up of four gay men and one transgender woman, is competing on this season of MTV's Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew.
Solmonese certain that Obama will overturn 'Don't ask, don't tell'
Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese said in an Aug. 7 interview with U.S. News & World Report that he is "certain" President Obama will overturn the United States' ban on gays and lesbians in the military.
Fenway Health, Williams Institute present new lesbian, gay family population stats
At Fenway Health's 2009 Annual Faculty meeting July 30, UCLA's Gary Gates presented the results of several nationwide studies involving the nation's 194,000 gay, lesbian, and bisexual couples who have children under the age of 18.
HRC pledges $125,000 in Maine's fight for marriage equality
Marty Rouse, National Field Director for the Human Rights Campaign, delivered a check for $50,000 to Maine's 'No On 1 - Protect Marriage Equality' campaign August 12, totaling HRC's current contributions to the campaign at $75,000.
Sue Hyde to be honored for 20 years of LGBT activism
Cambridge Community Television (CCTV) announced August 10 that LGBT rights activist Sue Hyde will be presented with the Leading Role award at the station's annual Backyard BBQ fundraiser on September 17 in honor of her devotion to the LGBT community.
What does Mr. Boston Leather 2009 want? World peace, of course!
Tim Starkey talks pageants, tours of Boston, and - of course - world peace.
Vigil-goers mourn victims of Tel Aviv's LGBT youth center shooting
The Greater Boston Jewish community held a vigil Aug. 5 to mourn victims of the Aug. 1 shooting rampage at an LGBT club for teens in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Boston's 2nd annual Queer Women of Color Week in full swing
QWOC+ Boston--a volunteer-run, multicultural social group for LGBTQ women and transpeople of color (and friends)--is sponsoring a series of multicultural events through August 9, including art exhibits, public discussions, spoken word performances, and film screenings, in celebration of the second annual Queer Women of Color (QWOC) Week.
Displaying 37 out of 122 pages