Jennifer Knapp - Back To Basics
Popular Christian singer/songwriter Jennifer Knapp on coming out, losing a couple fans, and finding happiness.
DOMA parties agree to stay
The Department of Justice has 60 days to appeal the district court's decision; an amended judgment is issued in <i>Gill</i> challenge.
Poll: Rhode Island voters support same-sex marriage
The majority of Rhode Island voters support legal recognition of same-sex marriages in the state for the first time, according to the results of a new survey.
CNN poll: Americans split on same-sex marriage
Americans are split almost down the middle on the issue of same-sex marriage, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll.
MassEquality announces new Executive Director
Suffredini is "attorney by trade, activist by nature."
CDC-funded Fenway project aims to combat HIV/AIDS using "Respect"
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently awarded a $2.2 million 5-year grant to The Fenway Institute to support the development of "Boston Respect," a new program to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in the local community.
MassEquality offers second round of endorsements
The MassEquality Political Action Committee (PAC) formally announced its second round of endorsements for the 2010 Massachusetts legislative elections on Aug. 10.
Go 'Back to School' with a themed party
Dyke Night Productions is hosting their annual School Grrl/Boi contest on Saturday, Sept. 11 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Machine Nightclub (1254 Boylston St.).
2010 Harbor to the Bay will raise funds for AIDS orgs
Registration is open for cyclists interested in participating in the 2010 Harbor to the Bay (H2B) AIDS Benefit Bike Ride
Mass. DA candidate signed anti-gay petition
Cahillane's name was revealed following the <i>Doe v. Reed</i> decision.
Displaying 21 out of 122 pages