Activists laud City Council's passage of pro-trans resolution
Resolution, offered by Arroyo, offers support for Transgender Civil Rights Bill.
RI Congressman's editorial supports marriage equality
Rhode Island Congressman Jim Langevin (D-Second District) opined in a March 5 <i>Providence Journal</i> editorial that it's time "to redefine marriage."
Massachusetts launches LGBT marriage resource site
The Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) has launched a new resource site for LGBT couples planning a wedding in the state.
Boston City Council passes resolution in support of Transgender Civil Rights Bill
The Boston City Council on Wednesday, March 9 unanimously passed a resolution in support of An Act Relative to Transgender Equal Rights, also known as the Transgender Civil Rights Bill.
Bourne firefighter loses job after posting anti-gay slurs on Facebook
Bourne, Massachusetts firefighter Richard Doherty recently lost his job after posting anti-gay insults on Facebook last summer directed at Bourne police officers, his deputy fire chief, and the town.
Join the Impact files complaint against Massachusetts Family Institute
JTIMA accuses conservative lobby org of illegal fundraising.
MTPC: Trans woman brutally beaten in Chelsea
Unidentified victim expected to survive violent attack.
Fred Hersch :: on AIDS, Walt Whitman and his new CD
Innovative jazz pianist Fred Hersch discusses Walt Whitman, NPR, and beating AIDS-related dementia.
Split decision in Barry Scott case
Disorderly conduct conviction reversed; resisting arrest conviction affirmed.
Miss Ellie is Alive!
Provincetown favorite Miss Ellie is hospitalized but, contrary to reports published on Towleroad, facebook, and other web sites, she is alive.
Displaying 13 out of 122 pages